About Us
The objective of the Muskoka Pioneer Power Association is to bring those people together that are interested in antique internal combustion engines, steam engines, antique automobiles, farm tractors, models and allied farm and forest equipment. We exchange information and provide assistance regarding the preservation and operation of historically valuable machinery.

Annual Show
Each summer we host the Muskoka Pioneer Power Show at the J.D. Lang Activity Park in Bracebridge. Popular show features include heritage display rooms, waterous saw mill demonstrations, Mowry shingle mill, log cabin, blacksmith shop, Linn tractor, engine displays, country store, antique tractor pulls, classic & antique vehicles, engine displays and a grand parade.
General Meetings
We host a General Meeting on the 4th Tuesday of every month (excluding July & December) at 7:30 pm at Bracebridge Lions Hall, 325 Fraserburg Rd., Bracebridge. Everyone is welcome (including non-members) to come out and hear what we’re all about!
Photo Gallery
Gravely Display
Antique Tractor Display